Mariana and her team were fantastic to work with. Responsive, understanding, and organized. Most importantly the quality of the work is exceptional. I am tremendously proud to be represented by the branding that Design Etiquette created for my business.
Brandon Chillingworth — Hacked BD
Is Your Brand a Gordon Ramsay Meme?
— Is Your Brand Turning Into a Gordon Ramsay Meme? — Is Your Brand Turning Into a Gordon Ramsay Meme?
Branding, Brand Identity, Strategy
Doing this is the quickest way to destroy your brand and the slowest way to grow your business:
Creating a brand isn’t just about creating a logo or putting together a website. It’s about crafting an unforgettable story, building brand awareness, and creating a connection with your audience.
But here’s where many businesses go wrong: They invest thousands into creating their brand identity, only to hand off their brand’s management to someone who doesn’t fully understand what they’re doing.
Think of branding like high-end cooking.
You hire a world-star chef like Gordon Ramsay to craft a perfectly cooked 5-star Michelin dish, then you hand the recipe off to someone who lacks the skill and knowledge, like your friend from highschool who thinks he’s a chef because he cooks BBQ every Sunday afternoon.
Even though he has the recipe, the dish is a complete fail. It doesn’t have the right flavors, the presentation is sloppy. The magic? Gone. That’s what happens when a business hands off its brand to someone who doesn’t understand design and marketing fundamentals.
When a low-skilled designer takes over a brand, the core identity gets diluted. You’ll start noticing fonts that were never in your brand book, colors that seem just a little off, (believe it or not, there is a ton of technical skills that go into color management) and visuals that scream ‘DIY.’ Suddenly, the polished, cohesive brand you invested in starts feeling cheap, like a five-star meal that’s turned into a Gordon Ramsay meme.
Consistency is everything in branding. Making this gap in skillset your brand’s nemesis.
When you maintain a consistent identity, customers begin to trust you, and that trust builds loyalty. A great branding agency creates a comprehensive style guide that defines everything from colors to tone of voice to design principles. When you have a solid guide, your branding team can stay on track, and your business can continue to evolve without losing its identity.
To keep your initial brand identity and strategy from falling into oblivion, here are a few actions you can take:
- Build a crystal-clear style guide with your agency, a.k.a your brand book. A brand book isn’t just a document; it’s your brand’s bible. It ensures that everyone, internally and externally, is on the same page.
- Train your team on your brand’s ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts.’ Ensure everyone knows how to speak and present your brand consistently.
- Keep your branding team close. Invest in the best professionals that fit your budget, and keep them on retainer for as long as possible. A long-term partnership ensures your brand stays consistent, evolves with your business, and thrives.
Your brand is your business’s first impression. Don’t let shortcuts or budgets destroy the investment you’ve made.
What’s your biggest challenge with keeping your branding consistent? Let’s talk.